Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Core Health Out of Network?
Insurance these days does not allow us to practice the way that we have found to be the most successful. We want to treat patients holistically for a full hour because we know we can help them the fastest that way. Insurance reimbursement for physical therapy services has drastically dropped in the past several years and Physical Therapists in In-network clinics have to often see 3-4 patients per hour. That’s not the kind of care we want to provide.
We can provide you with a Superbill that you can submit to your insurance to process your claim. You can call your insurance company to find out what your out of network benefits are.
Should I do PT after my surgery? My doctor said I don’t need it.
It is always a good idea to be seen by a physical therapist after surgery. PT’s can assess for functional limitations and provide a POC that can make you even stronger than prior to your surgery.
Do I need a referral for Physical Therapy?
No, in the state of Georgia, you can see a physical therapist for 21 days or 8 visits before you need a referral from a doctor. There are exceptions for chronic conditions and wellness. However, a referral is required to perform dry needling. We recommend getting a referral to provide the most flexibility during your treatments.
What should I wear to therapy?
Loose fitting clothes that allow access to the affected area are best. If you are having hip or knee pain, shorts are best. You are welcome to bring clothes to change into for your appointment.
Where are you located?
We treat Physical Therapy patients inside Powerlady Fitness Gym in Toco Hills. The address is 2947- C North Druid Hills Rd Atlanta, GA 30329. We see Pilates clients at Powerlady and also inside Precision Performance. The address for Precision is 1145 Zonolite Rd NE, Unit 10 Atlanta, GA 30306
What if I need to cancel or reschedule?
No problem! Please give us 24 hours notice so that we can schedule another patient. Time is valuable! We want to be able to treat you for a full hour, so we appreciate patients being on time.
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- 2947 - C North Druid Hills Rd Atlanta. GA 30329
- +1 404-585-1960
Clinic Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday by appointment